Agriculture Visa For Usa
What is the agriculture visa for USA? It holds lots of importance given that many farmers need to be able to work legally in order to keep their business running smoothly. There are a few different pathways depending on your circumstances whether you need a visa or not. Regardless of that, it must be noted what you’ll be able to get out of having a certified immigration lawyer helping you out when it comes to obtaining an agriculture visa for USA.

Are you planning to migrate to a developed country like USA or UK? To avail agriculture visa programs to these countries, you are required to have your subsidiary farm in those countries. If you don’t have the history of farming, then you have fear don’t worry, we can provide assistance for this purpose.
The United States Farm Bill, makes it more difficult for foreign citizens to gain an agricultural visa . These visas are needed for those who intend to work for a farm for a period of more than 10 months. The main rule that is related to this matter is the requirement to prove that there are no enough U.S. Citizens or permanent residents willing and able to fill those jobs. In order to qualify, the applicants have to prove that 70 percent of the jobs in their field are already occupied by standard labor workers and they will only fill the remaining 30 percent. So, if you want you need to ask yourself do you know what it takes?
H-2A Visa Program
Are you a farmer who needs seasonal or temporary workers for planting, cultivating, and harvesting crops but domestic workers are in short supply?
The H-2A temporary agricultural workers program – often called the H-2A visa program – helps American farmers fill employment gaps by hiring workers from other countries.
Get started here by:
- Learning the H-2A visa application basics
- Creating a personalized H-2A visa application checklist built around your hiring needs
- Estimating the costs of hiring workers through the H-2A visa program
Already started an H-2A visa application? Check the approval status of your cases with the Department of Labor or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. To track the status of your cases over time, sign in or sign up for a H-2A dashboard account through
About the H-2A Visa Program
The H-2A temporary agricultural program helps employers who anticipate a lack of available domestic workers to bring foreign workers to the U.S. to perform temporary or seasonal agricultural work including, but not limited to, planting, cultivating, or harvesting labor.
Depending on the type of work you need, temporary or seasonal agricultural work can happen on farms, plantations, ranches, nurseries, ranges, greenhouses, orchards, or other similar locations.
- Seasonal work is when you need more help than usual because the work is tied to a certain time of year by an event or pattern, like a short annual growing cycle.
- Temporary work lasts no longer than 1 year.
If you have been affected by a strike, work stoppage, or layoff within 60 days of when work will start, you may not qualify for the program.
To participate in the program, you’ll work with your State Workforce Agency to earnestly recruit U.S. workers. The State Workforce Agency will publicly post your job order to recruit U.S. workers. You must accept eligible referrals of U.S. workers who apply for the job, and also contact any former U.S. employees at their last known contact address. When a qualified U.S. worker applies, you must employ them until 50 percent of the work period specified in the work contract has passed. After 50 percent, there is no continued affirmative obligation to hire.