affordable florida beach vacation

affordable florida beach vacation

Florida is a popular destination for beach-goers, and with good reason. The state’s thousands of miles of coastline are filled with beautiful beaches and other natural attractions. But there’s more to Florida than just the beach! While you’re in town, consider taking some time to explore what else the Sunshine State has to offer. Here are a few ideas:

Start here

Before you start looking for a beach vacation, the first thing to do is start with a Google search. This will give you an idea of what the going rate is for hotels in Florida. You can also use this as an opportunity to look at hotel reviews and see if there are any properties that have amenities that would make your stay more enjoyable. When looking at these hotels, compare them to each other using websites like Expedia or Kayak’s price comparison tools.

Next, try looking at local travel agencies and see if they offer deals on Florida beach vacations. Often times they have special packages that include transportation while staying at their recommended properties located near major tourist attractions such as Disney World or Universal Studios Orlando .

As long as you plan ahead and do some research before booking your trip, it doesn’t need break the bank!

Explore the beach

When you’re on the beach, there are a few things to look out for. First, keep an eye out for jellyfish! They can be found all over Florida beaches, but their numbers peak during the summer months. Second, watch where you step in the water—you don’t want to step on any stingrays. Third, if you see a shark fin in the water while exploring our coastline by boat or kayak, please notify us immediately so we can alert authorities and prevent any further injury or damage! Finally, keep an eye out for litter: If you see anything that looks like trash on our beautiful beaches (or anywhere else), please help us clean it up by picking it up with your hands and putting it into one of our many bins located throughout our parks&reservations

Take a scenic drive

Florida is home to several scenic drives that are perfect for a low-cost, family-friendly getaway. A scenic drive differs from a road trip in that it’s not typically as long or involved. The best scenic drives can be completed in just one or two days—usually less than 200 miles—and they tend to have plenty of stops along the way so you don’t need to pack lots of food and water into your car.

Scenic drives also differ from sightseeing tours in that they focus on natural beauty rather than manmade structures like historic landmarks and museums. In fact, most scenic drives are designed around natural settings such as lakes, forests and beaches so you don’t really get any history lessons!

Go on an organized tour

Tours are a great way to see the sites and learn about the area. There are tours available for all ages and interests, as well as budgets and abilities.

Check out museums and landmarks

The museums and landmarks of Florida offer significant cultural value, and you can learn a lot about the history of the state by visiting them.

Museums are institutions for the collection, preservation, exhibition and interpretation of historic objects or artworks. Museums are dedicated to educating visitors about their collections; many also provide research services or work with other museums on collaborative projects.

Landmarks may be sites that have been officially recognized by governments or private organizations as having special significance in maintaining local culture and identity as well as contributing to tourism in an area (they are also often listed on travel websites). Some landmarks have been around for hundreds of years while others date back only a few decades; they all represent something important about what people believe makes up their community’s identity.

For example: The Everglades National Park protects more than 1 million acres of wetlands along Florida’s southern coast where an array of animals live together peacefully—from manatees to panthers!

Indulge in local cuisine

Visitors to the state can’t go wrong with Cuban food and coffee. Also known as “The Pearl of the Antilles,” Cuban cuisine is heavily influenced by European, Spanish, African and Asian cultures. For example: seafood is a common ingredient in many recipes and you’ll find this type of cooking at restaurants throughout Miami Beach and Fort Lauderdale.

Cuban coffee is another must-try for visitors. While most other countries use an espresso machine for their coffee drinks, Cubans prefer using a French press or lever drip method (both which give more flavor). This can be found at almost every cafe in Miami Beach.

Other treats you shouldn’t miss out on include pastries from La Casa Del Pan Bimbo bakery; cigars from El Titan de Bronze Cigar Factory; rums from Club Havana Rum Distillery; and mojitos made with fresh mint leaves grown on Key Largo by Ernest Hemingway’s estate manager during his time there writing The Old Man And The Sea

Beach vacations are easy to find, but you can always find other fun things to do in Florida, too.

With so many things to do and see in Florida, there’s no reason to settle for just one beach. With the variety of accommodations and activities available throughout the state, you’ll be able to find something that works for you. If it’s adventure you’re after: check out some zip lining or scuba diving. And if relaxation is more your style: there are plenty of spas and resorts where you can unwind by the poolside with a drink in hand.


We hope that you’ve enjoyed our list of fun things to do in Florida. If you’re looking for a break from the beach, there are plenty of other options for an affordable vacation in this beautiful state!

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