activities to do in summer vacation at home

activities to do in summer vacation at home

Summer is the perfect time to get out of the house and explore the world around you. But if you’re traveling with kids, or just don’t want to spend tons of money on expensive day trips, there are plenty of ways to enjoy summer at home!

1. Go outside.

  • Go Outside.

With summer vacation, you can make the most of your time by going outside. There are many things to do outside in the sunshine, rain, snow and wind. You can also play in the heat or cold as well as in the darkness.

2. Play in the mud.

Play in the mud.

Entertain yourself by getting down and dirty. Get some good old fashioned mud on your hands, feet, and clothes—and don’t worry about cleaning up! You can make pies with it (or try these recipes), create angels with it (or become an angel yourself), form balls or even cookies out of it. Get creative!

3. Play bubble games.

Playing bubble games is a fun way for children to spend time together and develop hand-eye coordination. It’s also inexpensive, easy to set up, easy to clean up and store.

Here are some ideas on how you can play:

  • Blow bubbles through straws in the yard
  • Blow bubbles through straws in the bathtub or pool
  • Blow bubbles while eating ice cream outside

4. Read aloud to your child.

Read aloud to your child every day. Even if you’re already reading to your child every day, it’s worth repeating here. Reading aloud is one of the most important things you can do for your child’s language development and literacy skills. It also gives them something special and intimate between just the two of you—and, let’s be honest: it’s a great excuse to snuggle up with someone on a couch while cuddling a book!

Choose books that are appropriate for both of your interests. If they love sports and love reading about sports (or even playing them), find some picture books or nonfiction titles that speak directly to their passion and interests. For example, if they enjoy basketball more than any other sport and want to play on their school team next year but know very little about its history or rules — why not read together this kitschy children’s book called Basketball Illustrated ? Find out what inspires them!

5. Start a garden with your child.

If your child is interested in gardening, you might want to consider starting a garden together! This can be a fun way for kids to learn about plants and nature. Plus, it’s a great way for you and your child to interact and spend time together.

First, decide on the type of garden you want to plant (do you want an herb garden? vegetable patch? fruit trees?). Then gather seeds from the grocery store or online and get started! You might want to start with something small like radishes or lettuce so that you aren’t overwhelmed by too many different types of plants at first. At first, watering your plants every day will be important so they don’t die; then once they have grown tall enough that they can stand up straight without bending over too much when it rains or gets windy outside (which will happen eventually), then weeding becomes more important than watering because weeds can take over other smaller plants if given the chance.–

6. Have them help in the kitchen.

  • Let them help you with simple tasks, like washing vegetables or stirring. This will give your child the opportunity to learn how to properly handle kitchen utensils and cookware without having to be in charge of any more complicated tasks at this point.
  • Encourage them to try a recipe they’ve seen you make before, whether it’s as simple as making pancakes or as complex as baking a cake. Children will feel confident when they can confidently complete something that they’ve seen done by an adult before, so use this positive feeling to encourage them along!

7. Go on a nature walk and collect leaves, rocks or flowers – whatever you find! At home, you can use your collection for an art project, or as part of a game of imaginary play.

Go on a nature walk and collect leaves, rocks or flowers – whatever you find! At home, you can use your collection for an art project, or as part of a game of imaginary play.

You could also use these items to make a collage: glue the leaves and flowers onto a piece of paper in different patterns that look interesting together. You could then hang your creation on the wall or put it in a frame to display it proudly!

Or why not try making a mobile? Use wire for hanging things up, like stringing up glass beads from one end of each stick until they reach another stick at the other end (you’ll need three sticks). Attach each bead with wire so that when hung still with little air movement around them, they hang at even intervals apart from one another – this will help create balance when suspended later on! Once finished hanging all those pieces together just right (so they don’t fall off), cover each bead again with white glue so that no visible metal shows through anymore – now hang!

8. Have an indoor camp-out at home and make smores in the microwave!

  • Have an indoor camp-out at home and make smores in the microwave.
  • Make s’mores in the backyard.
  • Have a campfire in the backyard and make smores on it!

9. Make your own ice cream sundaes (or just ice cream cones) together! Or try this simple strawberry soft serve recipe from Oh My Veggies..

  • Ingredients:
  • 1 cup whole milk or 2% milk
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract (or 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste)
  • How to make it:
  • Whisk together the egg yolks and sugar until light in color, about 2 minutes. Add the milk and whisk to combine. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and cook over medium heat for about 6 minutes until it is thickened and coats the back of a spoon, stirring occasionally as it cooks. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract or paste until smooth, then place bowl with custard into an ice bath to cool completely (you can speed up this process by placing it in your refrigerator). Once chilled throughly transfer custard into an airtight container and store overnight in the refrigerator; this allows time for curdling to occur which gives you extra creaminess! Or try making homemade whipped cream by mixing heavy cream with powdered sugar until stiff peaks form when you lift beaters out of mixture..

10. Have a picnic lunch together in your backyard or local park — even if it’s only for 20 minutes! Pack sandwiches, snacks and juice boxes to take with you and let your kids decide where to sit for lunch – on a blanket under a tree or by the lake? It’s up to them!

A picnic lunch is a fun activity at home or in the park. Pack sandwiches, snacks and juice boxes to take with you and let your kids decide where to sit for lunch – on a blanket under a tree or by the lake? It’s up to them!

You can make a picnic lunch at home or take it with you to your local park or beach. You might want to check out these great resources:

  • [Picnic Ideas](
  • [Picnic Lunches](

You don’t need to travel far or spend money on exciting activities; you can have fun right at home!

You don’t need to travel far or spend money on exciting activities; you can have fun right at home!

The Internet is full of ideas for things to do with your kids. You can play games where they compete against each other, or against you. You can also watch TV shows together, which is a great way to bond with them. If you want something more active, there are plenty of ways that you can keep your family healthy and active during the summer months.

Here are some great ideas for getting out of the house this summer:


There are so many things for children to do in the summer! We hope these ideas will help you keep your kids busy. After all, what better way is there to spend time with them than doing something fun?

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