5 day beach vacation packing list

5 day beach vacation packing list

Packing for a beach vacation can be tricky. You want to pack light, but you also want to be prepared for everything that might happen on your trip. Here’s a list of items that will help you stay organized and comfortable while you’re at the beach:

1 swimsuit

  • Swimsuit
  • One piece
  • Two piece * Waterproof

2 coverups

A coverup should be lightweight and easy to pack. You want it to be something you can toss in your bag when you’re getting ready for the day, or a quick grab-and-go on days when you don’t want to layer. I recommend packing two coverups—one long sleeve, one short sleeve. This way, if it turns out that it’s colder than expected or there’s a chill in the air at night, both options will be easily accessible. Another important note: make sure the material of your coverup is breathable! Otherwise it could end up being more trouble than it’s worth if you get overheated from doing activities like snorkeling or paddleboarding (not to mention just walking around town).

  • It should also be versatile enough that although it does have an obvious beachy feel (think lots of palm trees), but can still work as a light jacket for when temperatures dip below 75°F during late afternoons/evenings on land

1 sundress

1 sundress

This is the most important item in your bag. You want to feel comfortable, but also sexy enough to show off the hard work you’ve put in at the gym. Make sure it’s something that can be dressed up or down depending on where you’ll be going. If you’re headed to a pool party after dinner, make sure there are no plunging necklines or sheer panels (unless you’re going for that look). If we’re being honest here, though, what everyone really wants when they pack their suitcase is a little skin—but not too much!

You might think this sounds like an oxymoron but trust me: if there’s one thing I’ve learned from years of experience with packing my own bags and those of my friends (and let’s be real: also my mom) it’s that sometimes less can be more when dressing for vacation—even if that means leaving behind your favorite cutout dress as well as everything else except two pairs of bathing suits and two bathing-suit coverups plus flip flops and shoes appropriate enough for both beach and bar hopping (i’m looking at you black wedges).

2 t-shirts

You will want to pack two different t-shirts. One for the beach, and one for evenings. The obvious choice here is to have a light-colored one for the day and a darker one for night, but that’s not necessarily your only option. Maybe you love stripes and think they would look great on you at sunset? Or maybe you have a favorite slogan or saying that inspires you to get up in the morning? The options are endless (and we’re not even talking about crazy patterns).

The idea behind this is just like what we mentioned with swimsuits—you want something fun and easy to wear that makes it feel like vacation as soon as possible.

2 pairs of shorts or capris

You’ll want to pack at least two pairs of shorts or capris. They are an essential part of any summer vacation wardrobe, but they also have the added benefit of being versatile. You can wear these pieces to hike in and around your hotel, snorkel in the ocean, lounge on a beach chair, or eat dinner at a restaurant. You may even need them to sleep! To save space in your suitcase and keep things organized, pack them all together in one bag so you don’t forget which pair is which when it comes time to dress yourself for the day ahead.

3 pairs of underwear

  • 3 pairs. This is a good number, especially if you’re staying at a beach resort where laundry service is available and you don’t have to worry about washing your own clothes. The more underwear you pack, the less likely it is that you will be able to wear any of them during your five days away from home. When deciding on how many days of underwear to pack, think about what activities you’ll be doing and what weather conditions may prevail during those activities. Also consider how much time you plan on spending in or around the hotel: if it’s going to be hot and sunny every day, maybe skip the long johns and opt instead for lighter cotton underwear; or if there’s a chance that rain could fall during some of your outings (and/or there are certain social events where appropriate dress codes apply), bring along some black jeans instead of shorts with pockets so that all those little essentials can stay dry inside them while still being accessible by their owner should said owner need them later on down the road!

2 bras (1 for swimming)

  • The first thing you need to know about bras is that they are an essential part of every woman’s everyday wardrobe. You shouldn’t underestimate the importance of wearing a bra and getting one that fits well. Your bra should support your breasts and make them look good, while also being comfortable enough for you not to notice it’s there at all!
  • To choose a bra that fits well:
  • Check if it has adjustable straps so you can adjust them depending on how loose or tight you want the band around your chest to be. If it doesn’t have this feature, check whether there are holes along the strap so that they can be adjusted as necessary.
  • Make sure there isn’t any extra space between your body and the underwiring; if there is then this means the cup size is too small for you (this causes bulges). The cups should hold both breasts comfortably without forcing them up or creating gaps in between them or pushing them apart from each other—you’ll see this happening when looking down at yourself from above in front of a mirror or window pane!
  • Be sure not only consider how each individual cup fits but also consider how both cups fit together side-by-side/top-to-bottom—if there’s too much space between them then try going up one cup size instead until everything looks better 🙂

1 pair of flip flops

  • Flip flops are comfortable.
  • Flip flops are easy to wear.
  • Flip flops are easy to pack.
  • Flip flops are easy to take off.
  • Flip flops are easy to put on.

1 pair of sandals or shoes to wear out at night.

  • Sandals or shoes to wear out at night.

One of the best parts about being on vacation is being able to walk around in your flip-flops, so bring a pair of sandals or shoes that are comfortable, easy to walk in, and easy to take off and put on. You also want something that you can wear when you go out at night so that you don’t have to bring an extra pair of shoes with you. If these aren’t available during the day time use these too because they’re usually easier than going barefoot everywhere!

  • Shoes/boots for rainy weather (optional)

If there’s going to be any rain during your five day beach vacation then it’s better if this item was already packed in case anything happens unexpectedly. This is also true if there’s snowfall expected during winter months as well which could happen depending on where exactly this trip takes place; however just keep those bad weather days in mind when choosing what type of footwear would work best for such conditions such as sneakers versus boots since one may offer more protection than another depending upon how much walking will be required each day (or every hour).


It doesn’t matter if you’re going to the beach for a week or for two days—you need to pack your sunglasses.

The first step in choosing a pair of shades is deciding what type of lens you want them to have. There are three main options: polarized, mirror and gradient. Polarized lenses offer protection from glare and reduce eye fatigue, while mirrors help reflect bright light and make it easier for others to see your eyes clearly at night. Gradient lenses provide the best of both worlds—they block out glare but still allow some light into the eye so that they don’t look too dark or strange when wearing them inside (though this can be avoided by putting on sunglasses indoors).

When deciding which style you prefer, keep in mind that if you’re using them during the day in sunny conditions then polarized lenses will be more practical than mirror styles; however, if working out in the sun isn’t part of your vacation plan then go with a mirror frame instead because they won’t need as much protection during those activities either!

A hat (with SPF protection built in)

I can’t stress enough how important it is to protect your face and scalp from sunburn. A hat with SPF protection built in will do just that. The next time you’re at the beach, take a look around. You’ll see that most people keep their faces uncovered while they’re out in the sun; they don’t realize they’re leaving themselves vulnerable to skin cancer! (If this sounds like an overreaction, consider that sunscreen needs to be reapplied every two hours.) Not only will a hat protect your face from burning up but also prevent dark spots on your nose or cheeks when you get older.

This one goes without saying: hats are great for protecting other parts of our bodies too! Your ears, neck, chest and shoulders all need regular attention during the summer months so be sure yours are covered by a wide-brimmed hat with SPF protection built in—you’ll thank yourself later on when those burn marks fade away completely without any discoloration whatsoever!

Now you know exactly what to put in your suitcase when you pack for a beach vacation

Now that you’ve taken the time to read through this article, we hope that it will help you make your next beach vacation as exciting and fun as possible. A few of the items on our packing list could also work in other settings as well. For example, we feel confident in saying that a nice dress shirt is an essential item for any occasion where there might be an opportunity to dress up (or down) from your normal beach attire.

If you have any questions about our recommendations or would like additional recommendations for the items we didn’t cover here, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


Whether you’re going on a beach vacation for the first time or have been doing this for years, we hope our tips will help make your packing experience a little easier. Remember, when in doubt, just pack it out—and always leave room for adventure!

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