4 days vacation in florida

4 days vacation in florida

Welcome to Florida! If you’re looking for a vacation with a little bit of everything but no big agenda, then this is the perfect trip. In this four-day itinerary, we’ll hit up some of Florida’s most famous attractions while making sure to eat plenty of great food and drink plenty of beer.

Day 1: Miami

Miami is a great place to start your vacation. Miami is a great place to shop, eat and see the beach.

Miami has many interesting museums, galleries and other attractions that make it worth spending time in this city. You should definitely visit them all!

Day 2: Miami

  • Day 2: Miami
  • In the morning, you can visit South Beach and enjoy the beautiful beaches of the city. Take a walk along Ocean Drive, which is often called “the most beautiful street in America”. After that, you can visit some of the best museums in Miami: Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Bass Museum of Art or Frost Art Museum.
  • After visiting these places you may want to relax on one of many beaches around Miami such as South Beach or Haulover Beach Park which offer amazing views with nice sand and clear waters. If you want to go swimming there are also some nice beaches for this purpose like Virginia Key Beach Park or Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park where it’s possible even for beginners because there’s no waves at all! You just have to choose what fits your needs best 🙂
  • The evening will be spent at Sunset Harbour where there are many restaurants with different cuisines so everyone could find something suitable for them 🙂

Day 3: Key West

Key West is a must-see destination for any vacation to Florida. The city has everything you could want: beautiful beaches, great food and drink, charming hotels, and more than enough things to do. Here are a few of our favorite places to visit when you’re there!

  • Eat at Sloppy Joe’s
  • Drink at Mallory Square
  • Stay at Casa Marina Hotel
  • Get there by renting a car (or taking the Key West Express shuttle), which can be found nearby the airport

Day 4: Everglades

The Everglades National Park, the largest subtropical wilderness in the United States, is a must-see for any nature lover. The park has been designated an International Biosphere Reserve and a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Don’t forget sunglasses, sunscreen and flipflops. Have fun!

  • Sunglasses are an absolute must if you’re going to be spending any time outdoors. Since you’ll be driving and lounging on the beach, they’ll help protect your eyes from both glare and sun damage.
  • Flipflops are great for walking around in the sand, but not so much if you want to go hiking or exploring as they don’t offer much support. If you want to do more than relax by the sea, consider bringing a pair of running shoes instead of flipflops.* Sunscreen is an essential item for anyone who wants to avoid getting burned on vacation! The sun’s rays can do serious damage when exposed for too long without protection—especially when it comes from those who have fair skin like myself.* You might find it useful to bring some bug spray along with you as well; Florida is known for having lots of mosquitos during this time of year (and all year round).


We hope that this article has been informative, and we hope it has inspired you to plan a trip to Florida.

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