3 month old beach vacation

3 month old beach vacation

Are you going on a vacation with your baby? If so, it’s important to plan ahead. Planning ahead will help ensure both you and your child have a great time on the beach without any unnecessary stress. Here are some tips for planning a trip with your baby:


  • Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
  • Apply the sunscreen 30 minutes before going out in the sun.
  • Reapply every 2 hours, or more often if you’ve been swimming or sweating.
  • Rubbing and wiping can remove sunscreen, so reapply after doing so.

Baby pool

There is a special pool for babies and toddlers on the beach. It’s called the baby pool, infant pool, or toddler pool. This is where your child can splash and play in the water without worrying about waves crashing into him/her!

Swim suits

If your baby is still in diapers, you can get away with a swim diaper. If your baby is potty trained, then you will need to get a swim suit. Swim suits are available in sizes that fit babies up to toddlers and come in different styles and colors.

Quick-dry beach gear

In order to ensure you and your baby have a fun, relaxing beach vacation, it’s important that you pack items that will help keep them dry. Some things are easy to remember:

  • Quick-dry clothes for the toddler
  • Quick-dry towels for the toddler (can double as an impromptu beach blanket)
  • A quick-dry baby bathtub so you don’t have to deal with a wet bathing suit or towel (or even a full time in the shower) after each dip in the ocean/pool.
  • A quick dry changing pad so that when your baby has blowout diapers he can change into new ones without having his old ones get wet due to sand sticking to them or water splashing on them while they’re drying out.



If you’re breastfeeding, it’s easy. You just need to pack some nursing pads and a nursing cover for discreet feeding. If you’re not breastfeeding, prepare to have your baby on a schedule. We recommend packing enough bottles so that the entire trip can be planned around feedings (which are usually every 2 hours). Also make sure you have plenty of formula in case things don’t go as planned and you need to mix up a batch while traveling or away from home.

Baby Food

We also recommend packing some baby food jars if your infant is old enough to eat solids; otherwise check with your pediatrician before heading out on vacation. Having these snacks available will eliminate the need for heavy diaper bags filled with heavy cans of formula or premade meals; instead, opt for disposable pouches that are easy to store and pack away neatly in your suitcase or car trunk!

What to pack?

Before packing, remember that you’ll need to carry everything with you. Make sure your bag has wheels if it’s heavy, but don’t forget that the roller bag will be harder to maneuver than a backpack or other type of bag. Also think about how long your trip is going to last: if it is three months long, don’t pack too much stuff!

Since this article is meant for people who are on vacation in a beach destination like Hawaii or Florida, we will focus on things that are best suited for bringing with us when vacationing at the beach.

First off, let me say that there are so many things that I would want when spending three months away from home! Here are just a few ideas:

Plan ahead so you can enjoy your vacation.

With a 3-month old, planning ahead is essential. You’ll want to make sure that you have everything you need for your baby and yourself. It’s also important to have a backup plan for everything. This means having at least two of each item in case one breaks or gets lost during the vacation.

You’ll want to make a list of things like: diapers (and wipes), formula or breast milk, extra clothes, burp cloths, blankets/swaddles/carrier if traveling by air/train/bus with toddler (make sure they’re FAA-approved), bath toys and bottles if traveling with infant only but without stroller; sunscreen & hat; first aid kit; medications (if needed); snacks if traveling alone with child (kids love fruit snacks).


You can have a wonderful time on vacation with your baby, but it’s important to plan ahead and prepare for all of the challenges that come with this age group. We hope this article was helpful in providing some basic tips on what to pack for your upcoming beach vacation with young children.

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