3 month old baby beach vacation

3 month old baby beach vacation

A vacation to the beach is one of the best ways to relax. This is especially true when you have a baby and they can get time out of their usual routine. Here are some tips on what to pack for your trip, as well as other things to consider:

what to wear to the beach

You will want to consider what your baby will wear for the beach. You do not want them to get a sunburn and this can be avoided with the right clothes. You should put sunscreen on them before you go out in the sun, even if they are only going to be in the water for a little bit. A hat, sunglasses, swimsuit and diaper are also required items while at the beach or any other place where they will be outside.

You may choose to dress your child in other clothing as well that is waterproof just in case they get wet with sand or ocean water. A rash guard is another option which allows freedom of movement and protects against UV rays even when swimming or playing around water activities like boogie boarding!

swim suits

Look for swim suits with wide necklines, as they are easier to get on and off the baby. Zippers or buttons that go all the way down make it easy to change diapers while wearing the suit. Look for a lining in the suit, as this helps prevent chafing and rashes after hours of wear.

bathing suits

You will need to pack a swimsuit for your baby and one for yourself. You should have at least two suits, in case one gets wet. Consider bringing along some rash guards or UV-protective clothing to protect against sunburn and fading. If you plan on getting wet often, select a waterproof suit that is comfortable enough for the baby’s sensitive skin.

If you plan on spending time at the beach or poolside, it’s best to bring along some basic supplies that can help make this experience more enjoyable:

baby life vest

  • It is a good idea to bring a life vest with you. The water can be deceiving and it is not uncommon for babies to look like they are crawling on the sand when in reality they are floating away. This has happened before, and you want to be prepared for any situation that may arise.


The best way to prepare for a beach vacation with your baby is to wear the right clothes and shoes. Also, make sure that you have enough diapers and wipes in case of any accidents on the sand or water. If possible get some suntan lotion that doesn’t contain parabens or other toxic chemicals because they can be bad for kids’ health.

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