23 best cities for work life balance

23 best cities for work life balance

When it comes to quality of life, you have options. A big city like New York offers a fast-paced lifestyle with plenty of opportunities, but if you’re not interested in living in the hustle and bustle, there are smaller cities that offer the same benefits without all the crowds. Here’s our list of 23 cities that are perfect for work life balance:

1. Virginia Beach, Virginia

If you’re looking for a city with the best work-life balance, Virginia Beach is your place. The average commute time in Virginia Beach is only 21 minutes—making it the shortest commute time of any other city on this list.

In addition to its short commutes, Virginia Beach also ranks high in family friendliness and affordability. You can expect to find plenty of affordable housing options as well as access to nearby outdoor trails, parks and beaches that make it easy for families to spend quality time together outdoors.

2. Austin, Texas

If you love your job, but want to make sure you get home for dinner with your family, Austin might be the place for you. The city ranks high in every single category: after all, it’s got great weather (average temperature is 65 degrees Fahrenheit), lots of things to do outside of work and at night (like festivals and concerts), and plenty of jobs available. It’s also a city that’s very much still growing—and that means there are opportunities for everyone here!

3. Seattle, Washington

Seattle is known for its outdoors, including the Pacific Northwest rainforest, the Cascades Mountains, and Puget Sound. The city also has a thriving tech industry and is home to many startups. Seattle’s culture includes great food (with over 30 James Beard Award-winning chefs in town), coffee (Starbucks was founded here), music (about 500 bands call Seattle home), beer (with over 150 breweries in Washington state alone!), and more.

One of our favorite things about living in Seattle is what we call “The Vibe”—it feels like everyone you meet wants to help each other out or become friends with each other. And if that doesn’t happen? Well then you probably bumped into someone who wasn’t feeling it… just kidding! Most people here are outgoing, friendly, happy go lucky types who are down for whatever adventure comes their way!

4. Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City is the capital of the U.S. state of Utah and has a population of 195,000 people. The Salt Lake City metropolitan area includes all of Utah and has about 2 million residents. It’s estimated that 40% of residents in this area work from home part-time or full-time, which makes for a great balance between work and personal life.

5. San Diego, California

  • San Diego, California

San Diego is the fifth best city for work life balance. This sunny California city is known for its beautiful beaches and mild climate, as well as its vibrant food scene and nightlife that can keep you going long after your day job has ended. The city’s economy also boasts a strong healthcare sector, which is good news if you’re looking to find a job in the health care industry or want to start your own business in the field.

6. Portland, Oregon

Portland, Oregon has a good work-life balance. This city is known for its excellent educational opportunities and cultural offerings. It also has a good economy and health care system, making it an attractive place to live. The weather can be rainy during the winter months, but Portland residents have access to both public transportation as well as plenty of bike paths so they can still get around town regardless of what Mother Nature throws at them.

7. Denver, Colorado

Denver has the lowest unemployment rate of all of our top ten cities, and it’s also one of the most affordable. The city’s high quality of life is evident in its low crime rate, high percentage of people with a college degree and plenty of green space.

Denver was ranked one of the most bike-friendly cities in America by Bicycling Magazine in 2016. With more than 200 miles worth of bicycle lanes on its streets, Denver offers cyclists an efficient way to get around town—and it’s a great way to exercise too!

8. Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta is one of the best cities for work life balance. The weather is great and the food is amazing.

The cost of living in Atlanta is low, which means you can spend your money on other things like travel or vacations. If you want to take a trip, there are plenty of places nearby to explore!

The culture in Atlanta includes lots of outdoor activities: hiking, biking and kayaking are just some examples!

9. San Jose, California

San Jose is the largest city in California, and it has a lot of great things going for it. The city has a low cost of living, which means that you won’t have to pay through the nose for rent or other necessities. It also has a high quality of life: San Jose ranked first on Forbes’s list of best places to live in 2016, thanks to its employment opportunities and beautiful climate. The median household income is $81,000 per year—not too shabby!

As an added bonus, you’ll find that San Jose is home to several technology companies like Apple and Adobe Systems Incorporated (who both have their headquarters here). If you’re interested in technology but don’t want to move too far from your family or friends who live elsewhere in California, this could be just what you’re looking for!

10. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota

Minneapolis-St. Paul is the largest city in Minnesota, and a great place for work life balance. The Twin Cities are two separate cities: Minneapolis and Saint Paul, but they’re connected by more than just their names—the two share many resources and amenities. The city has an active nightlife, with many restaurants and bars staying open late into the evenings. It also has many lakes and rivers that are popular destinations for boating, fishing or just relaxing on the shoreline.

11. Boston, Massachusetts

Boston is a great place to live and work. It has a lot of history, especially in the area of higher education. Boston is home to some of the world’s most prestigious universities and colleges, including Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston College, Northeastern University and Tufts University.

If you’re an outdoor enthusiast or just enjoy walking around town with friends or family members while taking in your surroundings (and/or getting fit), Boston has plenty to offer you as well. The city has miles upon miles of green space with parks such as Franklin Park Conservatory & Botanical Gardens; Jamaica Pond Reservation; Larz Anderson Park; Olmsted Park System; Arnold Arboretum at Harvard University; Muddy River Reservation: Blue Hills Reservation: Middlesex Fells Reservation; Blue Hills Ski Area Ski Area & Mount Auburn Cemetery. If you want even more greenery nearby then head over to New York City which is only about an hour away from downtown Boston by car or train!

12. Tampa-St. Petersburg, Florida

Tampa-St. Petersburg, Florida

Tampa-St. Petersburg, Florida is a city that offers plenty of opportunities for work-life balance. With the beach just across the bridge and some of the most beautiful parks in the country, there are plenty of options for enjoying your free time outside of work. The Tampa Bay area ranks 2nd in terms of quality of life and 3rd in job market strength according to Forbes Magazine

13. Chicago, Illinois

Chicago is the third most populous city in the United States and one of the most culturally diverse major cities in the world. It’s also a global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce, design, education, entertainment, fashion and finance. Its culture includes the visual arts including world-class museums of art and architecture; film; comedy; music; theater along with unique neighborhoods that reflect its various ethnicities. Large Chicago festivals include Lollapalooza (outdoor music festival), Taste Chicago (food festival) and many others

14. St Louis, Missouri

St Louis is a great place to live. It’s an excellent city for work-life balance and has been recognized as one of the best cities for both jobs and living a healthy life. The city has a low cost of living, high average wages and a high quality of life.

It has also been ranked in multiple surveys as one of the most family-friendly cities in the United States—with good schools, affordable housing, low crime rates and plenty of outdoor recreation opportunities like biking trails along the Mississippi River or Forest Park (one of America’s largest urban parks).

15. Richmond-Petersburgs, Virginia]

Richmond-Petersburgs, Virginia

Richmond and Petersburg are two of the most popular cities in Virginia, but they’re also very different from each other. Richmond is known for its historic sites and beautiful architecture. Petersburg has a more industrial vibe. When you combine them together, though, you get something special: an urban area with a small town feel.

You can find everything you need here! You’re surrounded by major metropolitan areas that offer amazing entertainment options—and Richmond-Petersburgs has plenty of ways to keep your mind occupied when you want to take a break from work.

16. Indianapolis-Anderson-Columbus, Indiana]

The capital of Indiana and largest city in the state, Indianapolis is a major hub for industry and culture. Home to the headquarters of several Fortune 500 companies and a thriving tech scene, it’s no wonder that more than 100,000 people commute into the city daily.

If you’re looking for a place to settle down and raise a family, Indianapolis may be just what you’ve been searching for. With excellent public schools (ranked seventh in America), plenty of green spaces, low crime rates (the lowest murder rate among large US cities) and affordable housing prices—it’s easy to see why this midwestern gem makes our list as one of America’s best cities for work-life balance.

17. Pittsburgh-New Castle-Weirton (PA/OH/WV) ]

Pittsburgh is a great place to live, work, raise a family and retire. It’s also an ideal location for starting a business. The steel industry is still going strong here, with headquarters for U.S Steel based in the city’s downtown area (and other steel companies nearby). Healthcare services are another local strength; there are more than 1,000 doctors and dentists practicing in Pittsburgh alone—making it one of the largest concentrations of medical professionals in the country.

18. Philadelphia PA/NJ/DE MD] ] ] ] ] 19.] Baltimore MD/DC/VA WV] ] 20.] Sacramento/Modesto CA [Napa CA – OR – NV] 21.] Milwaukee WI [Madison WI – IL – MI] 22.] Kansas City MO [KS – OK] 23.] Greenville SC [Asheville NC – GA – TN]Takeaway: Which cities are best for work life balance?

  • ] Sacramento/Modesto CA [Napa CA – OR – NV] 21.] Milwaukee WI [Madison WI – IL – MI] 22.] Kansas City MO [KS – OK] 23.] Greenville SC [Asheville NC – GA – TN]

Takeaway: Which cities are best for work life balance?


Work life balance is important for everyone, but it’s especially important for those who work from home. While we all want to be successful in our careers and make a living, most of us also want some time to spend with family and friends outside of work. With the right tools and strategies, it is possible to achieve both goals at once!

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