20 days diary entry of summer vacation

20 days diary entry of summer vacation

Summer vacation is one of the most awaited seasons for all the students. The season marks for the end to their school life and the beginning of a new chapter. Summer vacation is an opportunity not only to relax but also plan ahead for next year.

6/1 Monday Night

6/1 Monday Night

We had a celebration dinner and then we watched a movie. We had fun. It was Ramadan, so we ate a lot of food!

6/2 Tuesday night

I’ve watched “Aladdin” and enjoyed it. The feast was great, too! I’m going to watch two more movies this week: Godzilla and Avengers Endgame.

6/3 Wednesday night

6/3 Wednesday night

I’ve watched “Godzilla”, which is an American monster movie directed by Gareth Edwards and written by Max Borenstein. It was released in May 2014. I didn’t enjoy it at all because I felt that the story was boring, the characters were not memorable and the special effects were too fake for me. But it could be better if you like those kinds of movies.

6/4 Thursday night

Your name:

Date: 6/4 Thursday night

I went to the cinema to watch “Avengers Endgame” with my family. It was such a nice experience, because I have been waiting for this movie for a long time. When I entered the cinema hall and saw how many people there were, I thought maybe it wouldn’t be so fun anymore since I would have to sit in between strangers and not be able to talk much with my friends. However, when we finally started watching the movie on screen and realized how good it was already from its first scene, we all forgot about those annoying feelings! The action scenes were so exciting; sometimes my heart was beating very fast because of them! And then there were some funny parts as well which made us laugh together as if we were at home watching TV together instead of being so far away from each other (even though only one row apart). In conclusion: This movie was definitely worth seeing!

6/5 Friday night

On Friday night, we have watched the movie “Godzilla”. It is about a giant monster that terrorizes the city of Tokyo. The movie is about a scientist who is trying to stop the monster from destroying the city. I think this movie is very exciting and thrilling because it gives me a lot of things to do when I watch it at home with my friends. We had lots of fun watching this film together because we could talk about what happens next in each scene. This film makes me feel so thrilled when things happen in some scenes because there are many unexpected moments during its playtime like when Godzilla attacks his enemies or when scientists find ways to defeat him or even when everything goes well after people finally realize how dangerous this creature really was! These kinds of scenes would make anyone jump out of their seat because they are just too scary for some people especially children who don’t know much about these kinds of creatures yet! But since we’re old enough now (I’m 14 years old), I think these kind of scenes aren’t going to scare us anymore since we’ve seen them before so often already!

6/6 Saturday night

6/6 Saturday night

The day before the first day of Ramadan, it’s a very special one. We celebrated by eating a huge meal after sunset and watching an American-made movie called “Aladdin”. This is the fourth time I’ve got to watch Aladdin.

6/7 Sunday night

  • It’s late at night, and I’m about to go to bed. Tomorrow is the first day of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting.
  • Ramadan is celebrated by Muslims by eating a huge meal after sunset with family or friends.
  • This is the fourth time I’ve got to watch Aladdin!

6/8 Monday Night

This is the day before the first day of Ramadan. We have celebrated fast by eating a huge meal after sunset and then watched the American-made movie “Aladdin”. This is the fourth time I’ve got to watch Aladdin, but still it is as entertaining as before.

6/9 Tuesday Night

Today was the day before Ramadan, which is one of my favorite holidays. I remember celebrating it with my family and friends in a large tent. We would break our fast by eating a huge meal after sunset, and then watch an American-made movie that was dubbed in Arabic called Aladdin.

I’ve always loved Aladdin as he has become one of my favorite Disney characters. When I was younger, I’d pretend to be him when playing with my friends because we were all obsessed with his genie lamp and magic carpet rides!

6/10 Wednesday Night

6/10 Wednesday Night:

  • What we did: Watched TV, listened to music and played on our phones.
  • What we ate: Yogurt with granola and fruit for dessert.
  • What we watched: The 9th season of Friends! We love Ross and Rachel’s relationship.
  • What we learned: Ross is the best character in Friends, no doubt about it.

6/11 Thursday Night

6/11 Thursday Night

The day before the first day of Ramadan, we’ve celebrated fast by eating a huge meal after sunset and watching the American-made movie “Aladdin”. This is the fourth time I’ve got to watch Aladdin, but I still enjoyed it very much. My brother said he’d show me some magic trick tomorrow, so that’s something to look forward to!

6/12 Friday Night – the day before the first day of Ramadan – the holy month of fasting. We have celebrated fast by eating a huge meal after sunset and watching the American-made movie “Aladdin”. This is the fourth time I’ve got to watch Aladdin, but I still enjoyed it very much. The movie is so funny, so interesting and at the same time it also teaches us some valuable lesson about life. Also, Aladdin has become one of my favorite Disney characters! I’ve enjoyed the feast, which was filled with Middle Eastern foods like mousakaa recipe and shawarma recipe. Later on in this week, we’re going to watch two more movies that I’m really looking forward to them! “Godzilla” and “Avengers Endgame”. Both are my very favorite superheroes! So what are you waiting for? Just grab your popcorn, drinks and snacks and enjoy this summer vacation with me! May God bless us all!​

6/12 Friday Night – the day before the first day of Ramadan – the holy month of fasting. We have celebrated fast by eating a huge meal after sunset and watching the American-made movie “Aladdin”.

This is the fourth time I’ve got to watch Aladdin, but I still enjoyed it very much. The movie is so funny, so interesting and at the same time it also teaches us some valuable lesson about life. Also, Aladdin has become one of my favorite Disney characters!

I’ve enjoyed the feast, which was filled with Middle Eastern foods like mousakaa recipe and shawarma recipe. Later on in this week, we’re going to watch two more movies that I’m really looking forward to them! “Godzilla” and “Avengers Endgame”. Both are my very favorite superheroes! So what are you waiting for? Just grab your popcorn, drinks and snacks and enjoy this summer vacation with me! May God bless us all!


I think that this summer vacation has been great and I would like to thank my family for always supporting me in everything. This blog is written as part of my final project for the “Writing Skills” class. It will not only help you learn how to write good content, but also improve your English skills. If you have any questions about this blog post or its content please ask them in the comment section below!

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