2 days 1 night vacation in malaysia

2 days 1 night vacation in malaysia

With its bustling cities, beautiful beaches, and rich cultural heritage, Malaysia is a great place to explore on your next vacation.

Visit Georgetown

Georgetown is the capital of Malaysia and home to the country’s most important monuments, museums, galleries and other cultural institutions. The city also boasts some of the world’s best food, shopping and entertainment.

If you’re looking for a place with a rich history as well as natural beauty, Georgetown is your spot. The city was founded in 1786 by Sir Francis Light who named it after King George III.

Georgetown is full of art galleries like Blue Mansion Art Gallery or Gallery Deja Vu which has original paintings by local artists on display. You can also visit Malaysia’s largest museum called National Museum which will fascinate you with its array of artefacts from various civilizations including Chinese porcelain pieces dating back 3 thousand years ago!

Visit Malacca

Malacca is a city in Malaysia. It was once an important port and commercial center, but today it is best known for its historical sites.

Malacca was founded by Parameswara, also known as Iskandar Shah or Sri Majaraja Dewa Raja (1394-1446), who led his followers from Palembang to create the first unified state on the Malay Peninsula. He called his new kingdom Melaka. The word Melaka means ‘the land of masks’, a reference to the craftsmanship of the local people who made masks used in traditional theater performances during that time period.

Visit Ipoh

Ipoh is a city in Malaysia, located in the northern state of Perak, about 160 km north of Kuala Lumpur. It was the capital of Perak until 1932 when the administration of British Malaya shifted to Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh was once known as “The Manchester of the East” because of its extensive tin mining industries and colonial architectural heritage, which includes many buildings from various periods such as a number built during Malayan Railway Administration period (1912-1941) by Frank Swettenham who served as Resident General at that time; others were erected by British during colonial period.

Ipoh has an estimated population of 758,928 inhabitants [3] with an area covering approximately 497 km² making it one among Malaysia’s larger cities and towns by population size but not land area.[4] The majority ethnic group in Ipoh are Chinese followed by Malays; so there is no official language spoken here unlike other parts around Malaysia where English is predominant in schools and offices along with native languages such as Mandarin or Cantonese for Chinese people respectively.[5][6]

The locals usually speak English despite having different mother tongues depending on their ethnicity because it’s considered as an official language used across this part too just like other places throughout our country

Visit Melaka

Melaka is a city in the Malaysian state of Malacca. It is the oldest Malaysian city, and one of the most important ports in Southeast Asia during its heyday as a regional center for trade and commerce from 1402 to 1511. The original name was Melaka Sultanate, but when Portuguese arrived in 1511, they conquered the city and called it Malaca (derived from Melaka).

When you visit this place, you can see many historical buildings such as Stadhuys (Dutch Council Hall), Christ Church Cathedral Basilica Coloniae Philippinae or also known as St Paul’s Church , Fort Amsterdam (Fortified 17th Century Dutch Fort), Jonker Street Heritage Zone which consists of Chinese shophouses that have been converted into museums showcasing various artifacts. There are also some other interesting places such as Masjid Jamek Mosque , A Famosa Ruins , Kampung Rawa Muda Village & Colonial Houses Museum .

Must go places

Georgetown is the capital of Malaysia and it is known for its colonial architecture. There are many historical sites in Georgetown, such as Fort Cornwallis, Flagstaff Hill and St. John’s Church. You should also visit Melaka (Malacca) where you can see Dutch buildings, temples and museums. Ipoh is located in Perak State, it’s famous for being a major tin producing area during British rule and now has plenty of places to shop or have meals.


Malaysia is a beautiful country with many things to see and do. There are many different places that you can visit, such as Kuala Lumpur, Malacca and Georgetown. If you are planning on going on vacation in Malaysia then this article will give you some ideas as to where it would be best if you wanted to go on holiday.

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