15 days diary entry of summer vacation

15 days diary entry of summer vacation

Days are flying by. I’m so excited for the beach and the sun! My summer vacation has officially started. I have yet to take a swimsuit selfie (damn you long hair…) Here’s a list of books I plan on reading this summer:

Days are flying by.

As the days of summer vacation tick by, you can’t help but wonder what you’ve done with your time. It feels as though your summer is disappearing before your eyes, and there are still so many things that need to be done!

It’s easy to get carried away with planning and not doing anything about it. Remember: a good plan executed now is better than a perfect plan executed later. If you want to make sure that the time doesn’t go by too fast, then get started on those plans of yours so that you have something to show for all this free time later on!

I’m so excited for the beach and the sun!

I’m so excited for the beach and the sun! You know, after a long day of school or work, what’s better than sitting on a sandy beach with your friends? I absolutely love that feeling of relief as you lay back in your beach chair or towel. The sound of crashing waves is so soothing. It also helps us forget about our worries for a brief period of time. Surfers will be able to perform their best on this shoreline because of its perfect waves and currents.

I want to go sailing at some point during my summer vacation too! What could be more fun than catching wind while gliding across the water? Imagine if we were able to use this technique when scuba diving—it would certainly make things much easier than swimming through murky waters trying not to get tangled up in seaweed!

I think parasailing is going to be interesting too – seeing how high up one can go before feeling any fear has always been fascinating for me! Not only am I excited about experiencing this spectacular activity but also being able to fly over waterfalls while taking pictures from above them (and not just any waterfall: Niagara Falls!)

My summer vacation has officially started.

Welcome to the first day of summer vacation! It’s a new beginning, a new chapter, a new start and an adventure for you. You’ll begin this new adventure with your family, friends or whoever you choose to spend time with. You’re going to enjoy every minute of it!

I have yet to take a swimsuit selfie (damn you long hair…)

If you’re like me, your hair is an important factor in determining the perfect selfie. Here are some tips for taking a good swimsuit selfie with long, short or no hair:

  • Find a location that will highlight your best features and hide any less-than-perfect areas of the body.
  • Use a flattering filter to bring out your natural beauty and hide any imperfections. I usually use “film noir” as it really brings out my eyes and makes my freckles look like they were put on by an artist (no one else has freckles like mine).
  • Get creative with angles – don’t just take the picture straight on! Try standing up tall instead of hunched over; use props such as beach chairs, palm trees or even sunglasses to change up the shot; try doing something unexpected like jumping into the air while holding onto an inflatable flamingo toy; or simply smile widely so everyone knows how happy you feel!

Here’s a list of books I plan on reading this summer.

  • The Princess Bride by William Goldman
  • The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
  • A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  • Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon, Volume 2: Dragonfly in Amber
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (book 4) by JK Rowling


I hope you’re having a great time with your summer vacation! If you’re looking for some new books to read, check out our latest post on the topic.

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