1000 dollar vacation for 2

1000 dollar vacation for 2

When you’re working hard to make ends meet, it can be hard to justify spending more money on travel. The good news is that there are ways to make your next vacation a reality without breaking the bank. Here are some of my favorite ways to enjoy an affordable getaway:

Book a double occupancy cruise.

Cruises are an ideal way to travel with a group of friends or family members, but they’re also great for traveling with a significant other. If you choose a cruise that’s near your destination and offers exciting excursions during the day, then the vacation will be a great time for everyone.

If you’re planning on cruising alone, then consider booking an all-inclusive trip. These offer more activities than traditional cruises because they focus on making sure their passengers have everything they need to enjoy themselves.

Go on a road trip.

Road trips are a great way to see the country. You can go to places you’ve never been before, and you can also stop and see friends along the way. The best part about road trips is that they’re fun!

Explore your own city.

If you’ve lived in your city for a while but haven’t explored it as much as you would like, now’s the time to do just that. Get to know the neighborhoods beyond your usual stomping grounds and try new restaurants. Take advantage of whatever activities are offered in those areas: there’s a whole world out there waiting to be discovered!

If you’re traveling with someone else, this is especially important because having a companion can help you learn more about each other—and yourself!

Go camping.

Camping is a great way to save money, enjoy nature and connect with your family.

Camping can be an affordable vacation option if you plan ahead and find the right campsite for your needs. If you want to stay in the city, there are many RV parks that offer camping spots that are only a few dollars per night. Many national or state parks also offer camping options, but these tend to be more expensive than RV park prices since they provide added amenities such as showers and restrooms as well as access to nearby attractions (such as walking trails or waterfalls). The cheapest way to go is car camping: choosing an established campground near where you live so that no driving is required!

Take a family member with you for free.

You can take a family member with you for free.

You can also take a friend with you for free.

Or even an old high school classmate who is also going to be in the area at the same time as you.

How about your co-worker? Maybe your boss has always been kind of weird, but he’s always been nice enough at work and he seems like he could use some fun time away from the office. Plus, if any problems arise with his or her job while they’re gone on vacation, then that means more responsibility for everyone else at the company! That sounds pretty good! They should be able to afford it too since they got their raise last month.

Maybe your neighbor always seems like they are looking for an excuse to get out of town and explore other parts of California or even beyond state lines into Nevada or Arizona (or maybe even further). It would be nice if we could all get together sometime soon and hang out over delicious home-cooked meals made by yours truly 🙂

Stay in a less popular destination.

You can save a lot of money by choosing a less popular destination. This may mean staying in a country that isn’t as popular with tourists, or a city that is not as popular with tourists. You may also want to consider staying in an older hotel or resort, which tend to have lower prices than their newer counterparts. The savings could be quite substantial!

Travel at off peak times.

To get the best deal, you should book your trip as far in advance as possible. Traveling during the week is also cheaper than traveling on weekends. If you can’t travel during the off season or it’s already too late to book early, then at least try booking for a longer period of time so that you get more value for money. For example, instead of taking two one-week vacations every year for 10 years, take one two-week vacation each year over those same ten years!

One way to save money on accommodations is by searching for deals using multiple sites and apps—the price comparison feature on Kayak will show you where else online travelers have found better deals on flights and hotels so that you can see if there are better prices out there than what’s shown here (and if not now perhaps later). Another great tool is Hipmunk which shows flight options based on factors like cost and convenience; see which destinations have cheap flights available throughout the year before booking anything else!

splurging on something that makes you happy is worth it

Many people feel guilty spending extra money on something that makes them happy. When you’re out of money, it can be difficult to justify your choices. But if you have a limited budget, consider splurging on something that will make you happier than anything else would.

For example, say one person spends all her time and money running around town trying new restaurants and bars with friends. Another person spends their days cooking elaborate meals for themselves at home alone in the dark because they don’t want anyone seeing how bad their apartment looks (it smells kind of like dog). Neither is doing what makes them truly happy—the first person might miss out on some great opportunities for socializing while being broke all the time; the second person could be missing out on so many other things like cooking with friends or traveling more often! A good rule of thumb is: If a choice makes me feel amazing when I’m thinking about doing it, then I probably shouldn’t wait until tomorrow—I should do it right now!


If you’re looking for a way to splurge, we think these tips will help you find it. We hope they inspire you to take a trip that makes all your worries go away and gives you some much needed me time.

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