10 day beach vacation packing list

10 day beach vacation packing list

Packing for a trip can be stressful, especially when you’re trying to fit everything into one bag. I know that feeling, so I’ve put together this post to help you pack for your next vacation. If you’re not sure what to bring on your beach getaway, this list will have all the essentials!

1. Passport (if going out of the country)

If you are going out of the country, you need a passport. If you are going to a country that requires a visa, you need a passport. If you have one, then congratulations! You’re ready for vacation. If not, well…you’ve got some work to do before leaving town and I’m here to help.

The first step is finding out if it’s time for an update or renewal on whatever existing document(s) might be acceptable in lieu of obtaining an actual passport:

  • For U.S citizens living in the United States who don’t have passports but want to travel internationally: Passport cards may work for short trips within North America (Canada and Mexico). They can only be used at land borders crossing between these two countries; international air travel is not permitted with them so they aren’t very useful if traveling outside this region or planning any lengthy excursions outside North America altogether (such as South America). The alternative is getting an enhanced driver’s license instead which also makes sense if driving into Canada anyway since it will cost less than getting both documents together (and provides better protection against identity theft).
  • For U.S citizens living abroad who don’t yet have passports: Valid visas usually replace missing identification requirements when entering foreign countries without proper documentation such as birth certificates or social security numbers — however these documents expire over time so make sure yours has not expired before venturing across any borders!

2. ID and Driver’s License

  • Make sure to bring your driver’s license. If you don’t drive and aren’t planning on renting a car, this might not be a requirement for you. However, since many places require identification in order to rent scooters and bikes (which are fun ways to get around), it’s important that you have at least one form of ID with you at all times.
  • Bring your passport if traveling outside the country—or better yet get one now! I highly recommend getting one before heading out on vacation because it will save you tons of time when entering other countries and going through customs!
  • If necessary, bring a backup form of ID with you as well. For example, if someone loses their driver’s license or passport while abroad then they can use their secondary form(s) until help arrives from home base or another location back home where people have access online via computer/phone etc…

3. Credit Card and Debit Card

It’s a good idea to bring your credit card and debit card with you on vacation. If you are going to be paying for things at the beach, hotel, airport or gas station then you will need one of these with you in order to do so.

4. Sunblock

Sunblock is a must. If you are planning on going to the beach, it is vital that you bring sunblock. I would say it’s even more important than packing towels and sandals. Sunscreen will protect your skin from harmful UV rays which can result in sunburn and skin damage over time.

If you are going somewhere warm and sunny, then there’s no doubt that you need to pack sunscreen!

5. Sun hat and sunglasses

This may seem like an obvious one, but one of the most important items to bring on a beach vacation is a sun hat. It’s easy to forget that your head needs protection from the sun as well (especially if you’ve spent all day in the water), so don’t go without it!

The same goes for sunglasses. While most people need sunglasses only during the day, some people prefer them at night too. If you can’t find any that fit your face perfectly, bring two pairs: one pair that fits comfortably over your eyes and another pair that blocks out more light around your forehead and ears. This way, no matter what time it is or how long you’ll be spending outside with others, you’ll always have access to proper shade protection!

6. Lightweight long-sleeve shirt and pants

While it’s common for people to pack heavy thermal underwear on a trip, it’s not necessary. If you do plan on wearing your thermal underwear every day, feel free to bring it along—but if not, opt for a lightweight long-sleeve shirt and pants instead. The more layers of clothing you can wear at the beach or poolside bar (like when you’re waiting for your drink), the better! That way, if you get too hot from sitting under an umbrella all day or hiking through some tropical forest paths, shedding some layers is easy peasy lemon squeezy.

  • Lightweight clothing is crucial because it keeps you cool while still protecting your skin from UV rays and bugs. It also dries quickly so that if there are any sudden downpours during rainforests hikes (or even just heavy showers inland), everything should be dry again before sunset with no extra laundry required—and who wants to do laundry at the beach? The last thing anyone wants is leftovers hanging around until they return home with sand stuck deep inside pockets where no amount of hand washing will rid them completely clean.*

7. Bathing suits (1 per day +2 back-ups)

  • Bring a bathing suit for each day.
  • Bring 2 back-ups.
  • Your bathing suits should be in good condition, fit well, and cover most of your body.
  • Bathing suits that are comfortable are best because no one wants to spend their vacation feeling like they’re being squeezed by a boa constrictor. Similar to how we recommend bringing shoes that you know will fit according to your feet’s unique shape (see: shoe shopping tips), it is important when buying bathing suits that you find something that fits you perfectly so that it doesn’t ride up or cause chafing in uncomfortable places (eek!). If possible, try on the suit before purchasing it; if not possible, make sure there is enough room in the waistline and bust area so as not to cause discomfort while swimming or getting dressed after swimming!
  • Swimming suits should also be able to handle rough waters without ripping apart at seams or causing pain when wet due​

Don’t forget to pack bathing suits!

Bathing suits are important. Don’t forget to pack bathing suits!


If you’re looking for a way to make your next beach vacation more enjoyable and less stressful, our 10 day beach vacation packing list is the perfect resource. We’ve included everything from bathing suits to sunscreen that you’ll need on your trip—and all of it fits into a single carry-on bag!

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