10 best cities for jobs 2017

10 best cities for jobs 2017

The job market is doing very well right now, but it can be hard to know where you should go if you’re looking for work. We’ve compiled a list of the 10 best cities to find jobs in 2017 based on a variety of factors from unemployment rates to average salary. Check out our top picks below!

10 best cities for jobs 2017

If you’re looking for a new job, you might want to consider these 10 cities.

  • New York City, New York: This city is known as the financial hub of the United States and many other parts of the world. Its diverse economy includes jobs in finance, banking, media, fashion and more.
  • San Francisco Bay Area: Known as Silicon Valley or simply “the Valley,” this area is home to some of the biggest technology companies in the world such as Apple and Google.
  • Washington DC: The capital city offers opportunities with government agencies as well as private businesses like Deloitte or Booz Allen Hamilton. There are also plenty of options outside politics if that’s not your thing!

Denver, Colorado

Denver is the capital and most populous city of Colorado. It is located in the South Platte region of the High Plains just east of the Front Range of Rockies in the central portion of North America. Denver is nicknamed “The Mile-High City” because its official elevation is exactly one mile above sea level, making it one of 21 U.S. states with that designation.[9]

Denver’s economy is based on both government and technology industries. The city has a highly educated workforce and is home to approximately 50 colleges and universities.[10] The state’s largest employer,[11][12][13] as well as being among Colorado’s top employers,[14][15] is Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company.[16][17][18]

Washington, D.C.

If you’re looking for a great place to live and work, Washington, D.C. is the place for you. The capital of our country and center of national politics has a lot going on! There are lots of jobs in this bustling city that have a high job satisfaction rating.

Washington, D.C., is an exciting place to work because it’s such an important part of our government system: not only does it house Congress and the White House, but it also hosts many federal agencies like NASA and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). In addition to these public-sector jobs, there are plenty of private sector opportunities as well! Plus, with so many people coming into town every day from all over America—and even internationally—it offers plenty more opportunities than any other area around us could hope to offer! Our research shows that nearly one out every five residents makes over $100k per year; maybe if they were anywhere else they’d be able to afford rent? Not here though! With housing costs at their lowest point since 2008 (just under $1M/year) this area has everything we need without having anything extra added on top except maybe some extra taxes… but those don’t seem like such bad news anymore when everyone else around me is getting taxed too much anyway because they earn less money than I do now.”

Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City is a great place to live and work. It’s known for its high quality of life, affordability and excellent employment opportunities, particularly for young professionals. As a result of the tech boom in Utah over the past few years, many companies have moved their operations or headquarters to Salt Lake City. These include Adobe Systems, eBay and Vivint Solar.

For retirees looking to downsize their lives while still enjoying a vibrant community that offers plenty of activities, SLC has much to offer besides its proximity to the mountains (skiing at nearby resorts), desert (scenic drives) and lakes (boating).

Raleigh, North Carolina

Raleigh, North Carolina is a great place to live and work. The city has a low cost of living, which makes it an ideal location for young professionals just starting out in their careers. It also has a large population of educated people, so there are plenty of jobs that require advanced degrees.

Raleigh offers residents an urban environment with plenty to see and do including restaurants, bars, parks and museums. If you enjoy hiking then you won’t be disappointed by the many miles worth of trails spread throughout the city’s green spaces.

Austin, Texas

Austin, Texas is the capital of Texas and the fastest growing large city in the United States. The University of Texas at Austin is one of the largest universities in the country, with over 50,000 students. It is also home to two other major research universities: Huston-Tillotson University (a historically black college) and St Edward’s University.

Austin has a strong history as a tech hub since it was founded by Stephen F. Austin in 1836 on what was then called “the frontier” between Mexico and America. The city’s motto today is “Keep Austin Weird,” so there are plenty of jobs available for people who want to live outside their comfort zone!

Nashville, Tennessee

Nashville, Tennessee is a top city for jobs in 2017. This is true for several reasons:

  • Nashville’s job market is growing more rapidly than most other cities in the country. In fact, it ranked number one on Forbes’ list of fastest growing cities.
  • The average cost of living in Nashville is much lower than other major cities like New York or San Francisco, so you can afford to live well here without having to spend an arm and a leg on rent or food costs.
  • The music industry has been booming in Nashville for decades, drawing artists from all over the world who want to make their mark on country music history. This means that there are tons of opportunities available to work with musicians because they need support staff like managers and publicists just like any other industry would require office workers at regular corporations (although technically speaking many people who move here do so because they’re interested in making music themselves).

Many people choose Nashville because they want excellent outdoor activities close by — including hiking trails and fishing spots nearby—but it’s also very popular among those who love cooking thanks to its reputation as one of America’s best foodie destinations!

Seattle, Washington

Seattle, Washington is a great city for jobs. The city has a booming economy that is experiencing an increase in job openings. Seattle has also been named one of the best places to live and raise a family, as well as one of the best cities to retire.

Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

The Dallas-Fort Worth metro area is the best city for jobs in Texas. With an employment rate of 3.2%, it has the highest rate of any Texas city and is also the largest metro area by population, with 6 million people. The average household income in Dallas-Fort Worth is $59,000, which is significantly higher than Austin’s average income ($52,500).

Dallas-Fort Worth has a much greater number of job openings on LinkedIn than other Texas cities—more than three times as many as Houston or San Antonio. It also has more diverse industries: while Houston still leads the way when it comes to oil industry jobs (8%), healthcare accounts for 8% of all open positions in Dallas-Fort Worth and manufacturing jobs account for 7%.

Boston, Massachusetts

Boston, Massachusetts is the capital of Massachusetts and the largest city in New England. It’s also home to several universities, including Harvard University and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). The high concentration of these institutions has helped make Boston a hotbed for high-paying tech jobs.

Boston is also a great place to find employment opportunities in healthcare or education, as those industries are well represented here as well.

San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, California

San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, California is the best city for jobs in 2017. With a median rent of $3,050 per month, San Francisco has the highest rent prices in America and the world. One bedroom apartments in San Francisco average over $2,300 per month to live there. With such high rents and expensive living expenses throughout the Bay Area, it’s no wonder that this region has become one of the most expensive places to live in America. However its proximity to Silicon Valley has made it an attractive location for tech companies looking to hire top talent from across the state.

While New York City may seem like an obvious choice when thinking about job opportunities—and indeed it does rank highly on our list—people should consider whether they can afford life in Manhattan if they want access to these coveted positions without breaking their budgets or taking out loans just so they can make rent each month!

A list of the 10 best cities for jobs in 2017

Here are the top 10 cities for jobs in 2017:

  • Denver, Colorado
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Austin, Texas
  • Nashville, Tennessee
  • Richmond, Virginia (tied for 7th place) With its proximity to D.C., this city attracts many government workers as well as young professionals who want to be close to their busy careers but also want to live in a fun city with plenty of nightlife options and outdoor activities in their free time (think hiking at James River Park). While most people would expect Richmond’s biggest employers to be related to healthcare or finance—which they are—there’s actually also a pretty large presence of technology companies here too! If you’re looking for an exciting job that can also offer stability and access to high-quality health care services if needed then this could be the place for you.”


If you’re looking for a place to start your career, these cities offer an ideal mix of opportunities and quality of life. With each offering something different from the next, it shouldn’t be too hard to find one that fits what you’re looking for in terms of job satisfaction, cost of living and overall happiness.

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